Updates – March 2021
This new program is one of the new initiatives beginning this fall. It is for the encouragement of recruiting new choristers who would gain much from the training and singing together in a choir.Part of the focus will be on encouraging children to join a choir and to learn of the benefits of singing together.
The other reason for this initiative is regarding the start-up of choirs. As we look to the near future with the delivery of vaccinations etc., there will come a time when it is safe to begin singing again. And after a year of not singing, it will require time for music programs to develop to their full potential. The RSCM wishes to provide support starting with the ICY.
Notes from the Director
All members will receive Notes from the Director in their email as part of their membership. There are details on forthcoming events or updates to current programs such as the Voice for Life. As the pandemic has not allowed gatherings for singing events, members are able to purchase music booklets for specific services, rehearse the music on their own or access the tracks on the website, and participate on the designated day. For choirs, there is one purchase, then it can be distributed to choristers.
Voice for Life and Singing Awards
There is a new syllabus forthcoming this year for the Singing Awards. For those who have participated in the past, the format has been streamlined to be more effective on the day of the exam, and all three levels will be available in Canada. (This is good news for those who have wanted to try for the Gold.)
Some of the information for both Voice for Life and the Awards is available on the RSCM website and a search under ‘Showbie’ will guide you to the details. The plan is to expand this section further this year. Please visit www.rscm.org.uk or contact William Lupton.
Celebration Day
2020: Last October the RSCM held its Celebration Day online. A choir sang the service under the direction of Rosemary Field in a church in one location, and the said portions were led by Hugh Morris and John Hall in the Lady Chapel at Chichester Cathedral. Congratulations to Mr. William Renwick who received the Fellowship diploma. William is an international authority on Gregorian chant and a founding member of the Gregorian Institute in Canada.
2021: I am pleased to announce that Mr. Denis Bédard is a recipient of the Fellowship diploma this year. He has composed many pieces for the organ, as well as other instruments, and this body of work is being recognized at the Celebration Day on October 9. The March issue of Church Music Quarterly is available for download and the citation for Mr. Bédard is there along with the complete list of honoraries and citations.
RSCM 100
In 2027 the RSCM will celebrate its centenary. Plans are being formulated now as the six years will move along quickly. In speaking with Hugh and John, it is their wish to have the RSCM Branches involved in this celebration. More details to follow as they become available.
Thank You
On behalf of the RSCM Canada Board, I offer thanks to our members for their continuing membership and support. As we are beginning this Holy Week, we look to the hope of Easter Day, in whatever form of worship it may be, online or in person. We wish you well and the very best for the Easter Season.