About Us
RSCM Canada is the national Canadian branch of the Royal School of Church Music, which has its headquarters in England.
RSCMC is run by a national Board of Directors and has chapters in British Columbia, Eastern Ontario, Niagara-Huron, Toronto and Niagara.
About the RSCM
The RSCM supports a world-wide network of 8,500 churches, schools and individuals and is committed to achieving the best use of good music in worship through education, training, publications and advice.
To find out more about RSCM England, please click here.
What is the RSCM aiming to achieve?
The RSCM’s mission is to enable the best use of music in Christian worship, church life, and in the wider community.
Our objectives are:
to support our members through
- practical and applied programmes of education and training
- music-making at festivals and courses
- music and training resources
- information, advice and guidance
to serve the churches by
- encouraging music-making in general, and singing in particular
- providing training in essential skills for church music
- developing understanding of music in the church’s ministry and worship
- encouraging good music everywhere through fostering outreach from the churches into the community
- engaging with young people in singing
How does the RSCM deliver its work?
- Voice for Life, a comprehensive training programme for choral singers of all ages and abilities
- our member magazine, Church Music Quarterly
- our quarterly guide to choosing music for worship, Sunday by Sunday
- the RSCM Press, publishing music and training resources
Regionally, through the work of our volunteers, who organize
- festivals and other special events
- local courses, summer schools, workshops and training days
- singing award schemes
In partnership with others
- consulting with the churches nationally and locally
- collaborating with other church, music, and educational organizations
Eastern Ontario & Québec
British Columbia
- British Columbia
- Alberta
- Saskatchewan
- Southwestern Ontario
- Northern Ontario
- Manitoba
- Greater Toronto Area
- Muskokas
- Atlantic Region
Eastern Ontario
- Eastern Ontario
- Québec
To find out more about our resources, please click on the links below.
There are three levels of membership in Canada:
- Affiliate
- Individual
- Friend
If you are interested in finding out more, please contact our membership secretary.